In Sharjah’s Mleiha, an artefact from the first century (AD) has been uncovered. The artefact, according to the Sharjah Archaeology Authority (SAA), is a bronze statue of a legendary creature with eagle wings, a lion’s head, and a massive bird’s foot with claws.

The statue was created during the reign of the Roman Empire. The finding, according to Dr Sabah Aboud Jassim, director-general of the SAA, suggests the presence of a commerce network between Mleiha and empires. He emphasised that the shape of this mythological monster was reproduced in various Roman artworks, including architecture, decorations, wall panels, furniture, and jewellery.
Dr Sabah explained that the “artefact is part of a censer bearing three statues of similar shape and distributed in a symmetrical circular shape, topped by a large and luxurious bowl used for burning incense”.
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