The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 has now made it possible for spectators to stay with friends and family during the forthcoming football competition. Given the rumours around the problem of lodging, where individuals questioned if the country is prepared to accommodate such a big number of supporters, this is welcome news for fans. In its FAQs section, the Hayya site-resolved these concerns.
The Hayya card is a fan ID that is required for all local and foreign supporters attending FIFA World Cup games. The application for the Hayya card is incomplete for overseas fans visiting Qatar unless their accommodations are validated. FIFA has previously indicated that hotels, apartments, fan villages, cruise ship rooms, and villas will be available for fans.
Only Qatari nationals and residents are eligible to host family and friends travelling for the World Cup. These friends are welcome to stay with them, but the host must register the guests, including their passport numbers and unit information. During the tournament, a resident/citizen can host up to ten people, and applications may begin as early as May 2022. The Hayya mobile application or the Hayya web are also options for applying.
The Hayya card is a prerequisite for supporters to enter the State of Qatar for FIFA World Cup 2022 fixtures. The card functions as a fan ID, granting entrance to stadiums in conjunction with a valid match ticket, as well as free metro and bus transportation. For the time being, only valid match ticket holders are eligible to apply for the Hayya card. FIFA plans to provide more information regarding non-ticket holders in the future.