Is Kanye West The Next US President?

The answer to this question can very well be a big fat ‘YES’!

2020 has so far been the year of crazy things coming to life and establishing a new normal all around. Kanye West has taken upon himself to make this year even more interesting! The 43 years old rapper, on 4th of July, announced on his twitter handle that he will run for the US President.

His tweet read, “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States.” followed by the American flag and #2020VISION.

His tweet sent twitter folks into an expected frenzy. His wife, Kim Kardashian replied to the tweet with an American flag. Tesla CEO Elon Musk also showed his support with a “You have my full support!” tweet.

The announcement has come on American Independence Day, only four months prior to the polling day that is set on 3 November. It is unclear if he has actually filled out any official paper work. However, he still has time as the deadline to add independent candidates to the ballot has not yet passed in many states.

If by some miracle Kanye West becomes the next US President, that means the world will have Kim Kardashian as America’s First Lady. Another former reality TV star to possibly live in the White House after Donald Trump.



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