Researchers Are Now Working On A Breath Test Which Will Give Results In 60 Seconds

Researchers in Dubai are now working on a breath test that can determine COVID-19 in just mere 60 seconds. A trial is now in the process between, Dubai Health Authority (DHA), Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences and Breathonix (a company from the National University of Singapore). If this research is successful, medical staff will be able to determine the coronavirus test results of a person in less than a minute.

Breathonix has developed this test. At the Nadd Al Hamar primary health care centre, the Dubai trials of this research are being conducted. Du Fang, co-founder and COO of Breathonix, explained the working of this test, will cause no discomfort to the person taking it, the person will just have to normally breathe out into the device.

“If approved and implemented, this technology will significantly reduce the burden on laboratory processing,” added Dr Nada Al Mulla, director of DHA’s Nadd Al Hamar Primary Healthcare Sector. “It will drastically reduce the time taken to get the results in comparison to the presently available testing methods such as the PCR test.” “The breath test for screening COVID-19 is highly efficient for mass screening especially in areas of high-traffic.”

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