5 Funny & Relatable Tweets From To-Be Dads

Pregnancy is a miracle. While a woman experiences pregnancy differently, men have a whole different understanding of it. When we are about to become dads feel like they have so much going on around them. Hence it is natural for a man to be confused and puzzled when their wife is pregnant. So here are […]

5 Tweets That Summarise What It Is Like Parenting Siblings

It is said that your sibling is your best friend. Siblings are the ones with which you can share anything, even talk about your parents because they will understand you to the fullest! Sibling relationships might be the best but only the parents know how they have brought up multiple children, so here are 5 […]

5 Funny Tweets About In-Laws

There is no doubt that marriage is tough, but in-laws make it even tougher. In-laws love you like they love their own child but there are twists and turns to that. It’s just one of the things you get to experience after getting married. Oh here are five funny yet relatable tweets about in-laws: I […]

5 Funny Replies To The Question ‘Where Do Babies Come From’ Asked By Kids

Being a parent is hard. Children have all kinds of questions since they are always curious about everything around them. But the most difficult question to answer as a parent is ‘Where Do Babies Come From’ because if you lie, then you are in trouble, if you don’t you are in even bigger trouble. So […]

5 Tweets That Summarise What It Is Like Being A Teacher In The Pandemic

It is said that a child’s school is like its second home and its teacher is like a second mother. Teachers are hardworking and they go to every length to make their student’s life easier. Teachers come up with interactive and new ways of learning, to keep their students engaged in their studies. Teachers truly […]

5 Tweets That Summarise What It Is Like Being An Aunt

Aunthood is the best. You can be a cool fun aunt without having to actually raise the child. Basically being an aunt is like being a child’s best friend. The child will be able to talk to you about things it doesn’t want its parents to know and since you are an adult as well, […]

5 Tweets That Talk About What It Is Like Being The Youngest Child

Being the youngest in the family comes with its pros and cons. While you are used to getting pampered by your parents, somewhere your elder siblings bully you sometimes as well. It is often said that the youngest one in the family is the moodiest one. So here are some of the funniest and relatable […]

5 Tweets About The Struggles Of Applying Eyeliner

Eyeliner is like that $2 thing without which your whole $100 makeup is a waste. But applying eyeliner and that too the same on both eyes is a skill. It takes years of practice and patience to learn how to apply eyeliner perfectly. And just when you learn the most trendy way to apply eyeliner, […]

5 Tweets That Summarise What It Is Like Being In Your 30s

Being in your 30s is not easy, some of your friends are married and having kids, while some are still finding their soulmates. But growing up is a part of life and ageing is inevitable. So here are 5 funny tweets for you which literally summarise what it is like being in your 30s: Your […]

5 Tweets Which Accurately Describe Early Pandemic Memories

It’s the first anniversary of the pandemic. Basically, it has been a year since we have learned the words quarantine, lockdown and Pandemic. March and April 2021 is nothing like March and April 2020. Last year at this time, we all were getting used to zoom calls, making dalgona coffee and playing online games with […]