On 20th March, WhatsApp and Instagram both crashed together. While no one was able to send messages on WhatsApp, people could not post or send messages on Instagram either. The source of the crash is still unknown, but people obviously turned to Twitter for memes because people genuinely thought that their phones have crashed. So here are some of the best ones:
Telegram owners after seeing WhatsApp and Instagram down#whatsappdown
— Iqrar Alee Ameer (@IqrarAlee112) March 19, 2021
Your Internet is fine. It's the apps.
Now you know why monopolies are a bad idea.
— Paytm (@Paytm) March 19, 2021
All whatsapp and Instagram users coming to twitter to check if their net is working#whatsappdown pic.twitter.com/VxcPTeuCL6
— Eeshan Bagchi (@bagchi_eeshan) March 19, 2021
Me getting on Twitter to see if whatsapp doesn't work anymore #whatsappdown pic.twitter.com/xA3LT3oBJo
— Jr Nixon (@JrNixon4) March 19, 2021
After Checking Whatsapp & Instagram is Down
Me thinking #MarkZuckerberg blocked my account due to things I have done lol
#whatsappdown #instagramdown pic.twitter.com/9lZR9d4wBH
— Siva Harsha || S/H
(@SivaHarsha_1) March 19, 2021
Me who deleted whatsapp and installed it again pic.twitter.com/6ozRi8BPrR— boogie (@oggyboogieman) March 19, 2021