UAE: It’s The Final Supermoon Of 2022 On Thursday!

Are you ready for the final “supermoon” of 2022?

Although it has perhaps the oddest name of any Full Moon, there are some good reasons to watch our satellite appear on our horizon. The final and fourth supermoon of the year will light-up the UAE skies this Thursday.

Not only will it be draped in gorgeous orange hues—as every rising Moon is when seen on the horizon—but the full “Sturgeon Moon” also happens to be the final supermoon of 2022. The Sturgeon Moon is named after the sturgeon fish caught during this time of year.

It will be the second-largest looking full Moon of the year thanks to it being 100% illuminated by the Sun less than 10 hours after it being at its closest point to the Earth in its monthly orbit. Experts explain that a supermoon can appear up to 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than a full moon when it is furthest from the Earth.

When is the best time to view the moon?

The Full Moon is always best viewed as it rises. Only on the night of the Full Moon is it possible to see the Moon appear on the horizon during dusk. Since it rises about 50 minutes later each night it therefore rises during the early evening just before the full Moon and well after dark after the full Moon.

The full moon looks its best that moonrise because you’re seeing it in twilight. This is the only day night of the month when the moon will rise shortly very shortly after the sunset. You’re there for looking at the moon in twilight, with your surroundings still visible.

This is why it’s easily able to take a photograph of the rising full moon while also capturing the scenery around it. That’s just not possible on any other night of the year.

It is said by experts that the moon will be visible in the dawn sky from Dubai, rising at 23:22, ascending to an altitude of 64.9° above the eastern horizon, and then disappearing from view as dawn breaks at roughly 04:40.

Experts affirm that this lunar show clashes with one of the most awaited meteor showers of the year — the Perseid meteor shower.

What does the expert say?

Elucidating on this technical phenomenon, Sarath Raj N.S, Project Director – Amity Dubai Satellite Ground Station, Programme Leader – Aerospace Engineering at Amity University Dubai said, “The Moon will be fully illuminated for around three days, from Wednesday morning through Saturday morning, with a brightness range between 92.1 percent and 98.8 percent. On 11 August 2022, the Sturgeon Moon will be visible, while on August 12 and 13, 2022, the Perseid meteor shower is anticipated to reach its peak. This year’s meteor showers won’t be easy to view because of the moonlight. In 2023, there will be two supermoons, on August 1 and August 31, respectively,”


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