While using a VPN is not outright illegal in the UAE, you must follow the strict guidelines provided by the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) if you want to use it. So, if you’re someone who frequently turns on and off their VPN throughout the day for a number of reasons, keep reading to find the rules set out by TDRA and learn how to avoid fines of up to AED 2 Million!
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Misusing VPN
The issue of using a VPN arises when it’s used to bypass blocked content or disguise illegal activities. Acts like hiding your real IP address or using someone else’s IP to commit a crime are considered major offences in the UAE. According to Article 10 of Law No. 34 of 2021 on Cybercrimes, if you’re caught using a VPN for illegal activities, you could face jail time or fines ranging from AED 500,000 to AED 2,000,000.
Bypassing Blocked Content Is Prohibited
The TDRA’s regulations specifically mention that using VPNs to access restricted content is prohibited. Clause 1 of their Internet Access Management Policy from 2017 defines this type of behaviour as illegal. In other words, VPNs cannot be used to bypass government restrictions on certain websites or services. Any VPN service that enables this falls under the category of “prohibited content.”
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What Can You Use VPN For?
As of July 31, 2016, the TDRA clarified that businesses and institutions can use VPNs to securely access internal networks, ensuring the smooth flow of their operations. This means that if you’re using a VPN for legitimate purposes like work or banking, you’re in the clear.
Also read: You Can Be Fined Up To AED 2 Million For Breaking This Strict Law In UAE
No Approved VPN List
Currently, there’s no official list of “approved” VPNs in the UAE. The focus is more on how you use the VPN rather than which one you use. If you’re unsure about what’s allowed or need more details, consulting a legal expert or reaching out to the TDRA directly is recommended.
By following these rules and avoiding misuse, you can safely use VPNs in the UAE without legal consequences
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