Winter season is about to end but the end is always the coldest. While going, winter irritates the most. So taking care of yourself and minimizing your heating bill (because let’s be real, sitting beside the heater all day just makes you lazy and lethargic) during this time is a must. It is just not about the food, there is more to it.
Dry Fruits:
Dry fruits are a winter special. Dry fruits keep you warm from the inside. They also are ‘lubricants’ for your body parts. During winter people tend to move less and hence their body becomes stiff, eating dry fruits can help you with this.
Layering Can Help:
Wearing a warmer can help a lot! Warmers are skin fit and air tight, they trap air inside and hence can help you keep warm. On it a light sweater will be just enough to get you by. Plus warmers are usually soft and comfortable, so you probably won’t even feel it.
Exercising just for about 30 minutes can keep you energetic and warm for the whole day. If you have a backyard, and there is enough sunshine on that particular day, exercise in some sunshine.
It is a common misconception that water or any kind of hydration is not that important during winters. Obviously your intake of fluids will be less in winters, but you have to stay hydrated. Water is also said to keep your body temperature normal. So stay hydrated by drinking some hot water or hot tea.
Gloves and Socks:
People often forget to keep their feet and hands covered. If you are working all day by sitting in front of your laptop, your feet and hands will get cold.